Author: <span>Nico</span>

Karen Marie Pedersen – PhD student SP6, TU Darmstadt

Within the context of REASSEMBLY, I study dung beetle trophic network reassembly across a forest recovery gradient in the Ecuadorian Chocó. Dung beetles are good predictors of habitat quality. First, because they are sensitive to environmental changes brought about by deforestation and because they depend upon medium- to large-bodied mammals …

Two new worm-like amphibian species discovered

The Ecuadorian Chocó forests are highly diverse and therefore have attracted the attention of many researchers, including those working on amphibians. However, new species may still be discovered as a new study shows, now published in the Joournal Salamandra by researchers from the Reassembly unit and their colleagues from the …

Karla Neira-Salamea – PhD student SP2, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

I realized I would study frogs only when I turned 20. During a field trip to the Ecuadorian rainforest, I heard the call of a frog perched on a branch over a river. After a long search, I finally spotted one of the most breathtaking creatures—a glass frog. Since then, …

Segundo Boletín

Tenemos el placer de presentar el segundo boletín de Reassembly. Este año reflexionamos sobre nuestro segundo año de trabajo de campo, las pequeñas victorias en el trabajo, así como los nuevos amigos que conocimos en el camino. También presentamos con gran alegría nuestros primeros hallazgos sobre la recuperación del bosque. Les invitamos a …

Eva Tamargo Lopez – PhD student SP5, University of Marburg

As a biologist, I have always been interested in community ecology, and what is more incredible than ecology in the Tropics? So, I have spent the last years of my career working on understanding forest recovery after human disturbances, from the perspective of tree communities in the tropical forests of …