Author: <span>Nico</span>

Trees, global visions & science communication

Does our research contribute to restoring biodiversity and climate? There is an ongoing discussion around ‘natural solutions’ for climate, and the potential of forest restoration for carbon capture and mitigation of global warming. One of the key papers in this controversial debate was a Science paper in 2019 from Thomas …

Vortrag: Naturschutz in Ecuador

[in German only] Als Geschäftsführer der Fundación Jocotoco berichtete Martin Schaefer über den Naturschutz in Ecuador – in der Vortragsreihe des Nationalparks Bayerischer Wald. Wie funktioniert effektiver Naturschutz in privaten Reservaten – Tieflandregenwald, Hochland und Galapagos? Welche Prioriäten gibt es, welche Probleme treten auf? Der sehr informative Vortrag gibt einen …

Fauna highlights

Four snapshots from a wildlife camera campaign across our study plots performed by the Team Fabrikschleichach. A puma (Puma concolor), jaguar (Panthera onca), tayra (Eira barbara) and an ozelot (Leopardus pardalis) walked through the forest plots in November 2021.

Large, hairy & dirty: seed traits and burial by dung beetles

Dung beetles are important secondary seed dispersers of mammal-dispersed plants in tropical forests – in our study site and worldwide. Beetles often bury the seeds that are included inside dung piles into the ground – if they are not too large in relation to the beetle. Beetles clean large seeds …