Category: <span>Press and Media</span>

Reassembly in Amsterdam

Many members of Reassembly actively participated at the 8th European Conference of Tropical Ecology in Amsterdam from 24 to 28 February 2025. Our PhD candidates and postdocs organized a session on tropical ecosystem recovery, presented their work in talks and posters and contributed to lively discussions. And finally, both Malika …

Jocotoco News – Science-based conservation: The Lessons of Reassembly

Fundación Jocotoco reflected our collaborative effort in their latest Conservation News (Link). We are proud to collaborate with Jocotoco and are looking forward to continue our joint endeavor in the regenerating rainforest and in the Chocó lab. Science-based conservation meets conservation-based science.

News coverage by Mongabay

MONGABAY is a nonprofit news platform that provides very important articles on environmental science and conservation, often from tropical countries across the globe. Highly recommended reading! Here’s a compilation of some recent articles that include Jocotoco, the Chocó or the reserve in Canandé, with links:Jocotoco’s story Endemic Magnolias in Canande …

Rapid species composition assessment by soundscapes

Sound recorders can successfully capture the remarkable diversity of vocalizing birds, frogs and mammals – much more effectively than other sampling techniques or classical observational methods. Jörg Müller and his team implemented sound recorders in 43 of our plots, then asked skilled experts to identify hundreds of species from selected …

Tropical Ecology Conference

REASSEMBLY actively contributed to the 6th European Conference of Tropical Ecology (GTOE2023) in the beautiful České Budějovice (Budweis) in Czech Republik. Nico Blüthgen presented the framework of the Research Unit and some first results in the session “Traits, interactions and functioning across environmental gradients” hosted by Nina Farwig & Eike …

Können Regenwälder regenerieren? Vortrag im Landesmuseum

Das “Reassembly” Projekt im Regenwald Ecuadors wurde nun erstmal ausführlich einer interessierten Öffentlichkeit in einem Vortrag vorgestellt. Im Hessischen Landesmuseum berichtete Nico Blüthgen von den Hintergründen und der Entstehungsgeschichte des Forschungsprojekts — und von den ersten Ergebnissen. Das Thema stiess auf eine große Resonanz und wurde anschließend ausführlich diskutiert. Eingeladen …

Vortrag: Naturschutz in Ecuador

[in German only] Als Geschäftsführer der Fundación Jocotoco berichtete Martin Schaefer über den Naturschutz in Ecuador – in der Vortragsreihe des Nationalparks Bayerischer Wald. Wie funktioniert effektiver Naturschutz in privaten Reservaten – Tieflandregenwald, Hochland und Galapagos? Welche Prioriäten gibt es, welche Probleme treten auf? Der sehr informative Vortrag gibt einen …