Dynamics of tree seedling-herbivore interactions during forest recovery
PIs: Nina Farwig (U Marburg), Katrin Heer (U Marburg), Sybille Unsicker (MPI-CE Jena), David Donoso (Esc. Politéchnica Nacional), Maria-José Endara (U de las Américas)

Within the research unit “Reassembly of species interactions networks”, the subproject SP5 “Dynamics of seedling recruitment and tree seedling–herbivore interactions during forest recovery” focuses on seedling recruitment and seedling–herbivore interactions. Both, seedling recruitment and seedling-herbivore interactions will be monitored in all plots across the forest recovery chronosequence. Species-specific morphological and chemical traits such as leaf thickness or leaf metabolites will be characterized and leaf herbivory quantified. An experiment on seed rain and seedling recruitment will help to quantify the functional contribution of different components of the seed dispersal network and their responses to perturbation. Seed rain and seedling recruitment are expected to differ depending on seed size and dispersal syndrome of the seedling species. Functional traits of seedlings will be related to leaf herbivory as well as the structure of seedling-herbivore networks and their dynamics in recovering forests.

Selected references:
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- Boeckler GA, Gershenzon J, Unsicker SB. 2013. Gypsy moth caterpillar feeding has only a marginal impact on phenolic compounds in old-growth black poplar. Journal of Chemical Ecology 39, 1301-1312.
- Clavijo McCormick, A., Irmisch S., Reinecke A., Boeckler G.A., Veit D., Reichelt M. Hansson BS, Gershenzon J, Köllner TG, Unsicker SB. 2014. Herbivore-induced volatile emission in black poplar: regulation and role in attracting herbivore enemies. Plant Cell Environ 37, 1909-1923.
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